Cub Camp

The South Plains Council Cub Camp happens year year in mid to late October at Camp Post, located in Post Texas. Cub Camp is a family camping event, meaning that your more thatnwelcome to bring the whole family to share in the fun events schedualed.  Parents /Guardians must register for camp via the council event registration page here.  each person attending camp must regist so adiquiate food and supplies can be provided.   

Packs can start to arrive on the Friday night prior to the Saturday that has all the camps schedualed events.  The packs that arrive on Friday are on thier own for food that night.

Saturday gets started with breakfat, provided by the council, and a flag ceremony.  the attending units will be devided in to groups and given a schedual to follow.  The camp generally consists of 6-7 events.  Lunch and dinner are also provided.  The day comes to a close with a campfire program where each unit participates in preforming a skit or song, or both!  After campfire units return to thier campsite to begin winding down for the night.

Sunday morning bring Breakfast and sometimes a scout service, after which camp is concluded.