Camping Check List

Things to bring

Recommend using this list from Boys Life magazine to help make your check list.  Just keep in mind for Cub Scout family camp outs we are at developed national forest or state park campgrounds.  Unless otherwise noted there will be drinking water and toilets (but not necessarily flush).  Also the Pack typically provides meals other than the first  evening so you do not need to supply food or cookware other than your own snacks.

Cub Scout Essential 6

Additional Items:

  • Class B t-shirt
  • water bottle or camelback to fill
  • Pack will provide plates/utensils/cups, but consider mess kits to reduce waste.  Especially for older scouts nearing advancement to Boy Scouts where the boys will be using mess kits.
  • Scout handbook, if your den plans den activities
  • Whittling chip (pocketknife safety card) if earned
  • Balls, frisbees, camp games

Things not to bring:

  • Kids electronic games/phones/tablets (or keep them in the car)
  • Toy or real guns
  • Fireworks
  • DO NOT BRING INTO YOUR TENT:  FOOD.  All food must remain in cars at night and if the camp is unattended.